Bash Programming Exercises#


Exercise 9

  1. Look at the man pages for bc.

  2. Try doing some math in bc interactively.

  3. Try writing some equations in a file and then provide that file as an argument to bc.


Exercise 10

  1. Write a Bash program where you assign two numbers to different variables, and then the program prints the sum of those variables.

  2. Write another Bash program where you assign two strings to different variables, and then the program prints both of those strings. Write a version where the strings are printed on the same line, and a version where the strings are printed on different lines.

  3. Write a Bash program that prints the number of arguments provided to that program multiplied by the first argument provided to the program.

User Input#

Exercise 11

  1. Write a script that asks the user for an adjective, a noun, and a verb, and then use those words in a sentence (like Mad Libs).

Logic and If/Else#

Exercise 12

  1. Write a Bash script that takes a string as an argument and prints “how proper” if the string starts with a capital letter.

  2. Write a Bash script that takes one argument and prints “even” if the first argument is an even number or “odd” if the first argument is an odd number.

  3. Write a Bash script that takes two arguments. If both arguments are numbers, print their sum, otherwise just print both arguments.

  4. Write a Bash script that prints “Thank Moses it’s Friday” if today is Friday. (Hint: take a look at the date program).


Exercise 13

  1. Write a bash script where you define an array inside of the script, and the first argument for the script indicates the index of the array element that is printed to the console when the script is run.

  2. Write a bash script where you define two arrays inside of the script, and the sum of the lengths of the arrays are printed to the console when the script is run.


Exercise 14

  1. Create 100 text files using brace expansion.


Exercise 15

  • Write several programs with three levels of nesting and include FOR loops, WHILE loops, and IF statements. Before you run your program try to predict what your program is going to print. If the result is different from your prediction try to figure out why.

  • Enter the yes command into the console, then stop the program from running. Take a look at the man page for yes to learn more about the program.


Below this list of exercises you can find examples of how these programs should work when used on the command line.

Exercise 16

  1. Write a function called plier which multiplies together a sequence of numbers.

  2. Write a function called isiteven that prints 1 if a number is even or 0 a number is not even.

  3. Write a function called nevens which prints the number of even numbers when provided with a sequence of numbers. Use isiteven when writing this function.

  4. Write a function called howodd which prints the percentage of odd numbers in a sequence of numbers. Use nevens when writing this function.

  5. Write a function called fib which prints the number of fibonacci numbers specified.

plier 7 2 3
## 42
isiteven 42
## 1
nevens 42 6 7 9 33
## 2
howodd 42 6 7 9 33
## .60
fib 4
## 0 1 1 2
fib 10
## 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34

Writing Programs#

Below this list of exercises you can find examples of how the programs described here should work when used on the command line.

Exercise 17

  1. Make a script executable.

  2. Put that script in a directory that you create and make that directory part of your PATH.

  3. Write a program called range that takes one number as an argument and prints all of the numbers between that number and 0.

  4. Write a program called extremes which prints the maximum and minimum values of a sequence of numbers.

range 6
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
range -3
## -3 -2 -1 0
extremes 8 2 9 4 0 3
## 0 9

Cleaning up created files#

rm f*.txt