Nephology Exercises#
Cloud Computing Basics#
Exercise 22
Write a bash script that takes a file path as an argument and copies that file to a designated folder on your server.
Find a file online that changes periodically, then write a program to download that file every time it changes.
Try creating your own Twitter or GitHub bot with the Twitter API or the GitHub API.
Solution to
[[ $# -ne 1 ]] && echo Usage: $0 FILE-OR-DIR && exit 1 FILE_OR_DIR_SAVE_AS=$(date -I)_$(basename $1) # `basename` gets rid of parent directories, otherwise `scp` cannot store it as # `scp` cannot create many levels of directories. `rsync` is better but must be # installed both on server and the client # e.g., if the argument is `dir1/file`, then without `basename` `scp` will fail. BACKUP_FOLDER=backups scp -r $1 $SSH_SERVER:$BACKUP_FOLDER/$FILE_OR_DIR_SAVE_AS
For instance the index page of changes frequently. Using [
curl -z
] we can download only if a file has changed. Probably this flag makes much more sense if we are checking a very large file periodically.[[ $# -ne 1 ]] && echo Usage: $0 URL && exit 1 URL=$1 curl --remote-name -z $(basename $URL) $URL # `--remote-name` uses the remote name of the downloaded file to save the file # as. For instance will be installed as # `file.jpg`. # `basename` used for getting the remote name.
To check if
curl -z
really works, you can checkthe modification date of the downloaded file
or use
curl -v
to makecurl
more verbose.
A Twitter bot that posts jokes:
USER_AGENT='Joke Tweeter' JOKE=$(curl -H 'User-Agent: $USER_AGENT' -H 'Accept: text/plain' TWEET="$JOKE Credit:" echo Tweeting echo $TWEET echo ... twurl -d "status=$TWEET" /1.1/statuses/update.json
Register for a Twitter developer account. Note that you have to describe what you plan to do with your developer account. Then create an app.
Your app will use a Twitter account to tweet. The Twitter developer account and the Twitter user account are different from eachother. Create a new account or use your existing account which your app will use to post tweets.
which is a special version ofcurl
tailored for the Twitter API.Authorize the app using your user account.
twurl authorize \ --consumer-key=NvrPvtYAWeiJSAdGpHRD \ --consumer-secret=OXtcqpmahpgcjDZDuVOkHPaIFuJwROvyLybZSsWvCzPOyxnqzpolBdmmSnsz
Try the script by running it manually.
Deploy the script on a computer or server so that it runs periodically. There are multiple ways to achieve this.
You can use cron to run a program preiodically.
If you have root access on the server you can use systemctl timers.
If you only have user access, you can create a persistent session — in other words a shell which will not be killed even you disconnect from the server. Some programs for creating a persistent session are:
For example using
, a new shell will be opened.To run your script every 24h assuming that the script is stored under
while true; do $HOME/.scripts/; sleep 1d; done
You can exit your persistent sessions by pressing:
(stands for detach)You can reenter your session by
tmux attach
This bot works similar to @icanhazdadjoke